Relax our warranties are made simple!

Did you know…


We like our warranties to be clear, nothing is hidden or misleading, we’ve read all the small print, so you don’t have to.


We’re proud of our JumpKing warranties, they can be trusted!


We’ve listed out individual JumpKing warranty details, please view them here via our:


Warranty Table


Find out the exact details of your family JumpKing products:


 What parts are covered…

How long for…

And equally important…what parts are not covered!





We also like to make it super clear how to file a warranty request if you ever need to do so.

Our team are here to help!


Simple steps:


  1. Please email with your address and phone number
  2. Attach a copy of the receipt or proof of purchase (bank or credit/debit card statement)
  3. Photograph of the damaged item. If you cannot attach a picture, please print and post the photo and forms to; YJ Europe Ltd, Unit 3/3a Farthing Road Ind. Estate, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5AP
  4. Allow up to 72 hours to process the claim once it is submitted or received.
  5. You will receive a replacement part within 7 to 10 days from the time your warranty claim is processed.


Alternatively, call our customer service team on 01473 747792 for advice if you are unsure of your claim, phone lines are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm.


Always contact our team if you have any questions in general about our range.


- JumpKing -